
Guide to restoration and maintenance of Ducati Scrambler


Descrizione prodotto

Guide to restore and maintenance of Ducati Scrambler (digital edition with extra contents: the original instructions for use and maintenance booklet).
Ducati Scrambler was assembled for the american market but gained great success in Italy too. Even today it’s among the most loved and admired vintage bikes worldwide.
This book tells the story and evolution of Ducati Scrambler, showing the reader how to buy, restore and maintain this precious bike.
A complete monography describing variuos versions of Scrambler, from production start until the end. A comprehensive guide with technical sketches and detailed shots, showing how to restore the pristine splendor of Scrambler step by step.
A book full of suggestions and useful advice both for actual and aspiring owners of this bike.

Titolo: Guide to restoration and maintenance of Ducati Scrambler
Autore: Stefano Orio;
Editore: Edisport
Formato PDF con Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9788888593364


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