
Leonardo da Vinci: Gallery for Kids


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Descrizione prodotto

Giorgio Vasari, in the enlarged edition of Lives of the Artists, 1568, introduced his chapter on Leonardo da Vinci with the following words:

“In the normal course of events many men and women are born with remarkable talents; but occasionally, in a way that transcends nature, a single person is marvellosly endowed by Heaven with beauty, grace and talent in such abundance that he leaves other men far behind, all his actions seem inspired and indeed everything he does clearly comes from God rather than from human skill. Everyone acknowledged that this was true of Leonardo da Vinci, an artist of outstanding physical beauty, who displayed infinite grace in everything that he did and who cultivated his genius so brilliantly that all problems he studied he solved with ease.”

It is never too early to introduce kids to art through books and museum visits, but parents often fear that kids will be bored. Parents can make art trip successful by giving kids spending a lot of time with few artworks instead of trying to see a lot. The books of Gallery for Kids series were written on a plain language and will be of interest to all ages. The books will help kids become more familiar with and learn to be pleased about the works of prominent artists. Dear parents, in these books you will find interesting facts about artist’s life, and his annotated most famous masterpieces; in addition in each book there is a fun activities wit coloring pages. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover the joy of art learning alongside your little one.

Titolo: Leonardo da Vinci: Gallery for Kids
Autore: Nealson Warshow;
Editore: Nealson Warshow
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9786050328844


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