Descrizione prodotto
Departures and returns between two different worlds: between the Sicily of traditions, feuding families, and the Mafia; and the United States of love stories, struggles for survival, and the American dream come true. Green Water, the story I wanted to tell you opens off the coast of Lampedusa Island with a shipwreck of immigrants, and continues with the correspondence between Pepo, the novel’s protagonist, and his parents. The facts, places, characters, animals, and even the stones described in this novel are all real, for Green Water, the story that I wanted to tell you is a centuries-long story of immigrants struggling between realities, both old and new.
Titolo: GREEN WATER – The story I wanted to tell you
Autore: Salvatore Giuseppe Pomara;
Editore: Salvatore Giuseppe Pomara
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9786050384765
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