Descrizione prodotto
This book provides a unique insight into the challenges faced by people with learning disabilities trying to access mainstream health and social services and by the professionals who are trying to provide them. The combination of professional perspectives and viewpoints of people with learning disabilities themselves creates an authoritative explanation of why this group of people face the barriers they do. The contributors critique these barriers and also offer potential solutions to overcoming them.
- Personal reflections written by people with learning disablities on their experiences of accessing health and social care services
- Comprehensive coverage of policy in the four UK countries
- Comprehensive analysis by subject experts of practice in a range of areas, from acute health care through mental health to leisure and housing provision
- Accessible summaries at the end of each chapter including text for people with learning disablities
Titolo: Intellectual Disability and Social Inclusion
Autore: Martin Richard Bollard;
Editore: Churchill Livingstone
Formato EPUB con Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9780702037856
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