
More Memory


Descrizione prodotto

Gianni Golfera is one of the world’s most accredited teachers and
researchers of learning strategies. Scholars agree that Gianni
possesses a truly astounding memory. He is able to recite over 260
books entirely by memory and can memorize 10,000 digits in a matter of minutes,
repeating them forwards, backwards and in random order. Scientists writing for
Brain Research Bulletin claimed in 2004 that they “could not establish the limits
of his memory,” while a team of researchers at the University San Raffaele
in Milan and the Boston Institute of Technology was unable to locate specific
neurological evidence that would have signaled some type of “memory gene,”
and thusly concluded that his extraordinary memory was the direct result of
learned techniques that he had developed and implemented throughout his life.
These techniques are known as the “Golfera Method.”
You can learn this method just reading this book!
Start reading right now and you will learn how to improve your memory and your concentration

Titolo: More Memory
Autore: Gianni Golfera;
Editore: Gianni Golfera
Formato PDF con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9788867558728


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