
Numerology – Meaning of numbers and their interpretation


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Descrizione prodotto

Through Numerology can reveal the deeper nature of human life and the world around them and discover the likely future, but its real purpose is psychological and spiritual.
Numerology is distinguished from the Mathematics, which is objective and can be compared to the physical body of a human being, while the Numerology is subjective and reveals his Psychology.
This manual numerology allows us to know the meaning of each number, in particular:
The Number One
The number Two
The number Three
The number Four
Number Five
The number you
The number Seven
The number Eight
The number Nine
The number Ten
The number Eleven
The number Twelve
The number thirteen
- Prejudices linked to the number 13
The number Fourteen
Number Sixteen
Number Seventeen
The number Eighteen
The number Nineteen
The number Twenty
The number twenty-two
The number thirty-three
harmonics of the alphabet
numerological divination
Pythagoric numerology
Numerology in science
The diagrams of the names
numerology Classical
The number of the name:
- Interpretation of the number of name
The number of birth:
- Interpretation of the number of birth
The number of Quintessence:
- Interpretation of the number of Quintessence
The number of the Soul
The number of person
Numbers Shadow:
Shadow Number 1 – The protester
Number Shadow 2 – The introverted
Number Shadow 3 – Foreigners
Shadow Number 4 – The Prisoner
Number Shadow 5 – The wanderer
Shadow Number 6 – The Martyr
Number 7 Shadow – The solitary
Shadow Number 8 – The tyrant
Shadow Number 9 (0) – The Fallen Angel

Titolo: Numerology – Meaning of numbers and their interpretation
Autore: François Arnauld;
Editore: Edizioni R.E.I.
Formato EPUB con Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9782372971294


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