
Protection and Communism


Descrizione prodotto

The real object of M. Bastiat is to expose the unsoundness and injustice of the system of Protection. He does this partly by a dexterous reference to the theory of Communism, and shows, with logical force and neat application, that the principles of the two are in truth the same. The parallel thus drawn, so far from being fanciful or strained, is capable of easy demonstration. But, in drawing it, M. Bastiat rather assumes than proves that Communism is itself wholly indefensible—that its establishment would be destructive of security and property, and, consequently, of society—in a word, that it is another term for robbery.

Titolo: Protection and Communism
Autore: Frederic Bastiat;
Editore: Frederic Bastiat
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9786050380477


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