
Tales of the Austral Tropics


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Descrizione prodotto

In these ‘Tales of the Austral Tropics’ will be found the strange romances which write themselves, often in letters of blood, amid the half-unknown, mysterious regions of Tropical Australia.

That they are not less true than terrible, I take it upon myself to affirm. That such is far from being the case with the larger proportion of literary manufacture professing to describe Australian life and character, I most distinctly assert.

‘Those who know seldom write, and those who write don’t know,’ remarks the veteran colonist with accentuated emphasis. But this author’s name is a household word among bushmen and bookmen from Albany to Thursday Island, from ‘The Gulf’ to the Snowy River.

Titolo: Tales of the Austral Tropics
Autore: Ernest Favenc;
Editore: Ernest Favenc
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9786050351071


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