
The Merry Order of St. Bridget


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Descrizione prodotto

‘The Merry Order of St. Bridget’ or ‘Personal Recollections of the Use of the Rod’ by Margaret Anson is a classic Victorian erotic novel, published in 1869. It contains graphic sexual descriptions and themes.

“Good,” said Lady C-; “prepare her.”
It was very little trouble to do that-only to fasten up the short tunic to her shoulders, and her beautiful figure was fully revealed.
“Have you ever, except on the night you speak of, witnessed the discipline of the rod being administered?”
“I have.”
“And you like it?”
“I do, and wish to see more of the practice, under the auspices of the Merry Order of St. Bridget.”
“Then you confess to a passion for the rod, Mademoiselle?”
“I do.”
“And will submit to whatever punishment the sisters choose to inflict for the crime of secretly watching their proceedings?”
“I will!”
Madlle. St. Kitts bowed, and Lady C-beckoned me, and bade me prepare her once more for the rod. “What, more whipping!” she muttered in a low tone; but she made no remonstrance nor attempt to resist.

Titolo: The Merry Order of St. Bridget
Autore: Margaret Anson;
Editore: Erotic eBooks
Formato MOBI
ISBN: 9788866610939


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